Oct 1, 2021Liked by Isabelle Amy

Hi lovely lady, enjoyed your speel, I got so bored with instagram I delted it and havent missed it xxx

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Ya gorgeous Annie! 💜💜💜

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Sep 30, 2021Liked by Isabelle Amy

Amazing Belle!

Imagine growing up with Insta like kids do now, through those difficult early teen years - hard to imagine.

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Thanks mum! Yep, growing up with Instagram would be truly awful. Love you 💖

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Isabelle Amy

Very true! It's so difficult not to make comparisons with others. I'm lucky in some ways because Instagram confuses me haha

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You ARE Lucky haha! It's the devil 😈

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Isabelle Amy

Love this! I think many of us can relate for sure. Everything in moderation I say! 😘

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Love you lime 💖💖💖

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It’s a crazy world that we live in..to join the fray or not..to validate ourselves through social media or not..to be part of that big projection of commercialism of ourselves

It’s all quite time consuming and exhausting…and seemly so meaningless when confronted with what’s truly important, the very centre, the caramel gooey deliciousness of ourselves , our real connections 😊💚 stuck on your tongue to be savoured, to be in that moment face to face not phone to phone.

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I love these words and your mind. It's true, it's a constant tug of war and we can't be perfect. But face to face is always what matters the most. 💖

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Earnest, anxious and uncool and I couldn’t love you more. You are one talented writer and I’m hooked!!!! Xxx

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Thank you beautiful Nat! This makes me SO happy! xx

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