This is amazing Belle, so hilarious and honest! Thank you for always articulating what we’re all thinking and feeling! Love you.

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Love you so much! Thanks Fran! 💜💜💜

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I love this and I love you. Writing so honestly and bravely and PUBLICLY makes you pretty fucking cool in my book. And you’ve nailed the single best thing about getting older. The permission to not give a single fuck. NOT ONE! As my cool 80s idol Annie Lennox once sang, Be yourself tonight! Please never change Xx

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Thank you!!!! I love you!! 💖

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Loved this!!! I feel exactly the same way! I’m ready to rock the sneans now!…! Oh wait that’s cool now isn’t it? Hahaha

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You're cool as 😍.

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Love this Belle. So honest and vulnerable. Please never stop writing!!

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Love you mum! Thank you 💕💕💕

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I love this in the same way I love all your writing - it is as though you have translated so many of my own thoughts/feelings into poetic prose.

Not to mention, being called 'mutant' in Year 11 sounds very similar to my own high school experiences in which I was called 'Mincey' (thanks to a freckle just above my mouth) and 'Ratty' (presumably because I looked like a rat?) by the boys in my year.

Safe to say I was never cool, or 'kewl', and at 37 it's likely I never will be. C'est la vie!

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Thank you Kerrie, your words (as always) are incredibly heartening.

And ugh, the withering cruelty of teenage boys, I guess one could say it’s character building?


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