Missed your writing 💜

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It’s so nice to be missed 🥹❤️

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This is spot on Belle - I have the kid, the white silk shirt AND the car with Bluetooth and I still don't feel like I've reached adulthood?

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Haha you have all the adult-y things and yet here we are, just a coupla kids. Love you xxxx

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Love this piece Belle! I delight in the way you say out loud, what most of us are only brave enough to think! I also love the discussion your writing generates through the comments.

I'm twice your age and I know for sure that nothing we achieve in the material realm is ever truly satisfying - its never enough, it could have been better, it should have been different- blah blah blah. It's our relationships and our friendships and our love for the people we surround ourselves where the real gold lies. xxxx

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Thanks so much mum, I love the conversations and thoughts in the comments too. Love you xxxx

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LOVE this. My friend just got invited to her 20 year high school reunion and is in an absolute state of shock! We ain’t that old….

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Love this piece Isabelle 😊 It’s interesting to look at how much our beliefs around adulthood are linked to our concept of success (and how much of that is external in nature) - my own transition through my 30’s in particular has been learning that adulthood is simply learning to really look after myself - to listen to my inner landscape more than what’s around me - to mother myself in many ways 🥰

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Thank you, Jade ❤️. I totally agree, I’ve lusted after tangible markers of adulthood for such a long time. But I think learning to look after yourself is a great take on what it means to be grown up - especially because it’s so hard to master.

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I love you just the way you are 😘

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I love you! ❤️❤️❤️

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Dearest Belle. Iv just spent time with a 23 year old German man and my message to him was keep your boyish joy… dance uninhabited… it’s what makes you beautiful. Adulthood is over rated..and I’m trying to claw my way back to my child joy and wonder, wanting to throw off the chains of being a grown up…the restrictivenesses 🙀 of it all. I say…take me back to silliness… joy…a wild sense of freedom and cheekiness.

I just want to wrap my arms around you, to quiet and disperse the shame and hurt and replace it with strength and love.

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I love you Jan. You inspire me ALL the time to be brave, loving, connected, open and joyous. You’ve had it worked out all along. ❤️

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I like the names Velvet, Seraphina and Lake! 😂

Lovely read, thank you.

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Thank you dearest Patto ❤️

And right?! I feel I’m nothing if not a very inspired baby name selector 🥰.

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